Sunday, September 7, 2014

San Telmo Market

 The San Telmo Market in Buenos Aires is a very amazing tourist sight.  There are many vendors that sell trinkets and it is a lot of fun to walk around.  It happens every Sunday so make sure to check it out if you are in Buenos Aires.

 The market is not very busy before noon but it really starts to pickup later in the day.

 Lots of souvenir mate cups for sale.
 One guy was selling some nazi memorabilia.  I took some pictures but he quickly scurried me away.  That is why the angle on this picture is a little off.
 Defensa and Venezuela Ave in Bunos Aires.
 Smoke coming up from the BBQ's.
 This shot really give you an idea of how big this market is.
 People relaxing in the shade on Defensa during the San Telmo Market.
 Chorpan is a sausage on a bud.  It was forty pesos which is a little much but it was worth it and I completely loaded up on chimchurri and vegetables.
 This woman is sprinkling salt onto her mat before she demonstrates how to dance the tango.  Many people have asked me if I plan on learning the tango however I do not think it will happen this trip.
 People relaxing out front of a cafe on Defensa Street.
 Woman blowing bubbles that are for sale at the San Telmo Market.
 Woman playing the drums for tourists at the San Telmo Market.  She yelled something at me when I took her picture but I had no idea what she was saying in Spanish.
 Umbrella decorations hanging from the street skies.
 Just rockin it next to this v-dubs.
I kinda look like Marry Poppins in this shot.

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